About Me (1979) was the first editioned artist book that Sonya Rapoport created. It was distributed by Printed Matter in New York, which had been founded in 1976 by Lucy Lippard and others.
At this time, Rapoport was taking a course in the programming language Pascal. She appropriated printouts of the first assignment where students used the editor to answer basic questions about themselves. Rapoport became fascinated by the process of tabulating and analyzing this data, and by the wide ranging identities of the students, the creativity of their responses, and by how students functioned in what she described as a “permissive environment.”
Although this project is essentially lacking in visual imagery, all of the interests that Rapoport would pursue in her later computer-mediated interactive performances are present.
About Me, 1979. Dot matrix print on archival continuous-feed computer paper, 16 pages, 11 x 15” each.