In Make Me A Man, Rapoport builds on the feminism of Web Art works such as Brutal Myths, adopting the theoretical standpoint of a man. In this extensively researched and richly illustrated work, she explores the “stereotype of modern manhood” by comparing the cultures of Western European and the Sambia people of the New Guinean highlands.

Both cultures acknowledge the physiological superiority of women because of their ability to give birth. It is men who must be molded and configured into ideal masculinity. Comparative examples of how tribal or technological societies achieve their objective of “growing a man” provide the structure of the work.

In 1998 Rapoport would expand on themes in this work in the Web Art works Arbor Erecta: A Botanical Concept for Masculinity and Make Me A Jewish Man: An Alternative Masculinity.

In 2009 Rapoport would publish Make Me A Superman, which focused on the upbringing and family life of U.S. President Barack Obama.